💰Doshiba Token Presales

Presales start from the 30-June-2022 (12 A.M. UTC) and end on 4-July-2022 (12 A.M. UTC)

Missed out on Dogecoin and Shiba Inu? Don't miss out on DOSHIBA INU!

There is no whitelisting required. Everybody will have an equal chance to buy $DOSHIBA from our presale available on Pinksale. First come, first serve. Once our presale is over, there will be no further available investment at the Pre-Launch rate. The only way to buy $DOSHIBA will be on PankcakeSwap upon public market release via the $DOSHIBA/BNB pair.

Presales Overview

Presale Stages: 3 Stages

Supply for Crowd Sale: 330,000,000,000,000 Tokens (55% of total supply)

Blockchain Network: Binance Smart Chain Network

Platform: Pinksale Finance Launchpad


Presales Price on Website:

  • 1 USD = 15,000,000 $DOSHIBA tokens

Fair Launch Price on Pancakeswap:

  • 1 USD = 10,000,000 $DOSHIBA tokens

Total Presales Softcap: 4000 BNB

Click here to buy $DOSHIBA Presale tokens on Pinksale Launchpad

Last updated