DOSHIBA Token Overview
Token Type and Network: BEP20 on the Binance Smart Chain Network
Token Symbol: DOSHIBA
Token Contract Address: 0xA3EB71Cec0C4b2bA528583bCd1f0f8e360c87262
Total Token Supply: 600,000,000,000,000 (600 Trillion)
DOSHIBA Token Distribution
Crowd Sale: 55%
Marketing: 8% (Airdrops, Giveaways, Ads, etc..)
Locked Liquidity: 11% (Project Security)
NFT and Game Development: 4% (Project Growth)
Metaverse Development: 4% (Project Growth)
Micro-Business Development: 10% (Project Growth)
Ecosystem Development: 4% (Project Growth)
Team: 4%
Added Features
Auto-Deflationary Token: Every transaction (buy/sell) burns more tokens, reducing circulating supply.
Auto-Reflection: A percentage from every transaction distributed to all token holders.
Anti-Whale Protection: Maximum 1% of total supply per wallet.
Sell Limit: Maximum of 1 Trillion $DOSHIBA can be sold per transaction.
Last updated